I hope all alternate meetings went well! Bishakha took summary minutes.
I'm ok with posting transcripts if there are no objections.
Alice Wiegand, Anirudh Bhati, Asaf Bartov, Abbas Mahmood, Aude
(Katie), Arne Klempert,
Bishakha Datta, Jan Eissfeldt, Joan Goma, Lodewijk Gelauf, SJ Klein, Solstag,
MzMcbride (lurking), Phoebe Ayers (at the end)
We reported a summary from the board discussion:
- the plan going forward for new models and the affiliations committee
(public discussion from now for a month; Board decision before Berlin)
- accountability standards and committee standards are being reviewed
by the Board for voting this month
We proposed to wrap up this phase of MR work after Berlin, draw a line
under the work of this group, and suggest paths forward for dealing
with movement roles.
Much of the meeting revolved around how to wrap up this phase of the
work by the end of March (i.e. the work that we are not taking forward
right now).
There was some discussion about new models after the meeting ended.
The substantive discussion should move to meta; those pages will be
announced later today.
We agreed on these steps:
1. Engage in the new models and standards discussions on meta.
- Identify concerns with the new models framework
2. Communicate what came out of our work
- Summarize important MR work, and organize an overview linking to
them (probably the MR main page)
3. Indicate a path for the future
- Identify clusters of open topics to be carried forward, and parallel
work taking place today.
- Create a future roadmap, showing what group is responsible for
working on each parts and follow-up area