Chapter assessment
Samuel Klein
2011-07-06 19:50:46 UTC
I imagine this being carried out by a subcommittee of the Audit
Committee, as the work required seems similar. Thoughts from ChapCom


2011-07-06 20:29:29 UTC
I've been thinking about this, and some of the issues are imho too detailed
and formalized - I am not sure if we should pull it that far. I think it
would be helpful to put this forward at the internal mailing list and see
some responses there?

I do not think that the audit committee would be the right group to conduct
this. I am very much in favor of a peers evaluation (as we discussed before)
because that gives less stress, and more understanding. This should also
make it look less hostile. This could be part of Chapcom New Style (if
re-arranged into a two tier committee for example) or a totally new thing -
that is secondary.

Post by Samuel Klein
I imagine this being carried out by a subcommittee of the Audit
Committee, as the work required seems similar. Thoughts from ChapCom
Movementroles mailing list
2011-07-07 05:56:36 UTC

After the past discussions, this seems to be something that comes up more
and more often. As it currently stands, there is a gap between what Chapcom
does and what happens after a Chapter's approval. There is a need for a
peer-review body/system that can function/support and also hold a chapter
accountable, provide support, audit and if need be, take actions to protect
the rest of the movement. Let me clarify, I mean this in a democratic sense,
and not in an authoritative manner where this body would be elected and
composed of different chapter members every year.

I hope we can consider such an elected body composed of different chapters.
I don't think an audit subcommittee would be able to provide the sort of
reach that is needed here, though I see some wisdom in having an audit body
itself. I would be in the interest of an elected body that might provide a
comprehensive solution to chapter's need, as we expand.

Jon suggested a peer-review system in Berlin and other discussions. I don't
recall any valid argument, why this is still not a good direction to

Post by Lodewijk
I've been thinking about this, and some of the issues are imho too detailed
and formalized - I am not sure if we should pull it that far. I think it
would be helpful to put this forward at the internal mailing list and see
some responses there?
I do not think that the audit committee would be the right group to conduct
this. I am very much in favor of a peers evaluation (as we discussed before)
because that gives less stress, and more understanding. This should also
make it look less hostile. This could be part of Chapcom New Style (if
re-arranged into a two tier committee for example) or a totally new thing -
that is secondary.
Post by Samuel Klein
I imagine this being carried out by a subcommittee of the Audit
Committee, as the work required seems similar. Thoughts from ChapCom
Movementroles mailing list
Movementroles mailing list
Jon Huggett
2011-07-07 15:53:13 UTC
Peer review and audit are different and can be complementary. Peer review is great for helping peers do better: meeting goals, best practices, etc. Audit is to more to minimize risk: rules followed, money in the right place, etc.

Jon Huggett
Skype jon.huggett
After the past discussions, this seems to be something that comes up more and more often. As it currently stands, there is a gap between what Chapcom does and what happens after a Chapter's approval. There is a need for a peer-review body/system that can function/support and also hold a chapter accountable, provide support, audit and if need be, take actions to protect the rest of the movement. Let me clarify, I mean this in a democratic sense, and not in an authoritative manner where this body would be elected and composed of different chapter members every year.
I hope we can consider such an elected body composed of different chapters. I don't think an audit subcommittee would be able to provide the sort of reach that is needed here, though I see some wisdom in having an audit body itself. I would be in the interest of an elected body that might provide a comprehensive solution to chapter's need, as we expand.
Jon suggested a peer-review system in Berlin and other discussions. I don't recall any valid argument, why this is still not a good direction to consider.
I've been thinking about this, and some of the issues are imho too detailed and formalized - I am not sure if we should pull it that far. I think it would be helpful to put this forward at the internal mailing list and see some responses there?
I do not think that the audit committee would be the right group to conduct this. I am very much in favor of a peers evaluation (as we discussed before) because that gives less stress, and more understanding. This should also make it look less hostile. This could be part of Chapcom New Style (if re-arranged into a two tier committee for example) or a totally new thing - that is secondary.
I imagine this being carried out by a subcommittee of the Audit
Committee, as the work required seems similar. Thoughts from ChapCom
Movementroles mailing list
Movementroles mailing list
Movementroles mailing list
Samuel Klein
2011-07-07 11:30:16 UTC
Post by Lodewijk
I've been thinking about this, and some of the issues are imho too detailed
and formalized - I am not sure if we should pull it that far.
Can you be more specific in comments on that page?
Post by Lodewijk
I think it
would be helpful to put this forward at the internal mailing list and see
some responses there?
Good idea.
Post by Lodewijk
I do not think that the audit committee would be the right group to conduct
this. I am very much in favor of a peers evaluation (as we discussed before)
because that gives less stress, and more understanding. This should also
make it look less hostile. This could be part of Chapcom New Style (if
re-arranged into a two tier committee for example) or a totally new thing -
that is secondary.
We can describe it as a totally new thing, and figure out whether it
works as a subcommittee of an existing group later. Language and
wording should make it clear that this group would play a supporting
role (just as the WMF audit committee supports the WMF).
