Starting to wrap up
Alice Wiegand
2012-02-21 00:03:37 UTC
Dear all,

as SJ summarized on
we discussed some important topics at our last IRC meeting.
During our work we have seen that it is neither reasonable nor
possible to separate movement roles from other discussions with impact
on Wikimedia, the movement and its players or even from other people
who are part of the whole thing. We agreed that we want to wrap up
this phase of movement roles not without leading to the next stage
where these ideas will be gathered and pursued by those who are
affected, at places where these discussions already have found more
resonance than in the movement roles project.

This needs some follow up and some things to be done. And it has to be
done soon if we want to draw a line under this phase of movement roles
at the Wikimedia Conference. It's our responsibility, there will be
nobody else doing this instead of us.

As some of you may have noticed I've started to clean up the movement
roles' pages. There were a lot of moves in the past. We started with
the prefix "Movement roles group", switched to "Movement roles
project" to end with "Movement roles". There were a lot of simple
cosmetical moves too, only to capitalize or de-capitalize words. And
nobody ever fixed the remaining redirects or the links on the pages.
This made it absolutely impossible to figure out where we have
duplicates or missing links, how pages are connected and how to find
them. I hope to finish with this tomorrow and let you know.

To collect and arrange the things we agreed to do, I've created
It supports to pick up a smaller tasks, more concrete and most
important to prepare a proper finalization.
Help is appreciated, please complete and rearrange the list. And
choose something you would like to work on the next weeks. ;)

Best, Alice.
Samuel Klein
2012-02-21 04:11:42 UTC
Thank you, Alice, I will work on cleaning up the old and new
discussions about new models, so there is just one page of Q&A about

Could anyone who attended the Paris finance meeting help update the
Chapters Council and accountability discussions with links to the
documents that come out of that meeting?

Post by Alice Wiegand
Dear all,
as SJ summarized on
we discussed some important topics at our last IRC meeting.
During our work we have seen that it is neither reasonable nor
possible to separate movement roles from other discussions with impact
on Wikimedia, the movement and its players or even from other people
who are part of the whole thing. We agreed that we want to wrap up
this phase of movement roles not without leading to the next stage
where these ideas will be gathered and pursued by those who are
affected, at places where these discussions already have found more
resonance than in the movement roles project.
This needs some follow up and some things to be done. And it has to be
done soon if we want to draw a line under this phase of movement roles
at the Wikimedia Conference. It's our responsibility, there will be
nobody else doing this instead of us.
As some of you may have noticed I've started to clean up the movement
roles' pages. There were a lot of moves in the past. We started with
the prefix "Movement roles group", switched to "Movement roles
project" to end with "Movement roles". There were a lot of simple
cosmetical moves too, only to capitalize or de-capitalize words. And
nobody ever fixed the remaining redirects or the links on the pages.
This made it absolutely impossible to figure out where we have
duplicates or missing links, how pages are connected and how to find
them. I hope to finish with this tomorrow and let you know.
To collect and arrange the things we agreed to do, I've created
It supports to pick up a smaller tasks, more concrete and most
important to prepare a proper finalization.
Help is appreciated, please complete and rearrange the list. And
choose something you would like to work on the next weeks. ;)
Best, Alice.
Movementroles mailing list
Samuel Klein identi.ca:sj w:user:sj +1 617 529
Asaf Bartov
2012-02-22 18:17:07 UTC
I'll do that, as soon as those documents are published.

Post by Samuel Klein
Thank you, Alice, I will work on cleaning up the old and new
discussions about new models, so there is just one page of Q&A about
Could anyone who attended the Paris finance meeting help update the
Chapters Council and accountability discussions with links to the
documents that come out of that meeting?
Post by Alice Wiegand
Dear all,
as SJ summarized on
Post by Alice Wiegand
we discussed some important topics at our last IRC meeting.
During our work we have seen that it is neither reasonable nor
possible to separate movement roles from other discussions with impact
on Wikimedia, the movement and its players or even from other people
who are part of the whole thing. We agreed that we want to wrap up
this phase of movement roles not without leading to the next stage
where these ideas will be gathered and pursued by those who are
affected, at places where these discussions already have found more
resonance than in the movement roles project.
This needs some follow up and some things to be done. And it has to be
done soon if we want to draw a line under this phase of movement roles
at the Wikimedia Conference. It's our responsibility, there will be
nobody else doing this instead of us.
As some of you may have noticed I've started to clean up the movement
roles' pages. There were a lot of moves in the past. We started with
the prefix "Movement roles group", switched to "Movement roles
project" to end with "Movement roles". There were a lot of simple
cosmetical moves too, only to capitalize or de-capitalize words. And
nobody ever fixed the remaining redirects or the links on the pages.
This made it absolutely impossible to figure out where we have
duplicates or missing links, how pages are connected and how to find
them. I hope to finish with this tomorrow and let you know.
To collect and arrange the things we agreed to do, I've created
It supports to pick up a smaller tasks, more concrete and most
important to prepare a proper finalization.
Help is appreciated, please complete and rearrange the list. And
choose something you would like to work on the next weeks. ;)
Best, Alice.
Movementroles mailing list
Samuel Klein identi.ca:sj w:user:sj +1 617 529
Movementroles mailing list
Asaf Bartov <asaf.bartov-***@public.gmane.org>