Frankfurt meeting, 29/30 January
Austin Hair
2010-11-03 07:14:59 UTC
(Breaking this out into a new thread.)

Now that the dates for the Frankfurt meeting have been finalized, I'll
add a few more details.

The exact venue hasn't yet been determined, but obviously it'll be a
suitable space in Frankfurt am Main, so in the meantime it's safe to
make plans to fly into FRA. (Or book train tickets to FAM Hbf., if
you're close enough and so inclined.) The idea is to start first
thing on the 29th and break up after lunch on the 30th, so plan to
arrive the evening of the 28th and leave as late as you're comfortable
with on the 30th.

The primary goal of the meeting is to synthesize the work done in the
prior three months and lay out a basic road map for the coming months.
There will be at least one IRC session for those unable to attend in
person and other interested parties, although the exact time for that
hasn't been decided.

If you have any questions, as always, feel free to e-mail me or Jon.


Austin Hair
2010-11-16 09:58:53 UTC
A quick follow-up: I've created a page[0] for the January meeting;
venue details and an agenda are still to come, but in the meantime I'd
appreciate it if everyone would add their name under the appropriate

And to reiterate, anyone on this list is certainly welcome to attend,
not just members of the original core group.



[0] http://movementroles.wikimedia.org/wiki/January_meeting
Post by Austin Hair
(Breaking this out into a new thread.)
Now that the dates for the Frankfurt meeting have been finalized, I'll
add a few more details.
The exact venue hasn't yet been determined, but obviously it'll be a
suitable space in Frankfurt am Main, so in the meantime it's safe to
make plans to fly into FRA.  (Or book train tickets to FAM Hbf., if
you're close enough and so inclined.)  The idea is to start first
thing on the 29th and break up after lunch on the 30th, so plan to
arrive the evening of the 28th and leave as late as you're comfortable
with on the 30th.
The primary goal of the meeting is to synthesize the work done in the
prior three months and lay out a basic road map for the coming months.
 There will be at least one IRC session for those unable to attend in
person and other interested parties, although the exact time for that
hasn't been decided.
If you have any questions, as always, feel free to e-mail me or Jon.