Blog post progress?
Bence Damokos
2010-11-30 22:38:16 UTC
Did we make any progress on the next blog post to be published, since our
last IRC meeting?

Should Jon/Arne/Austin just pick one from the ones already scheduled[1] on
the wiki? Can we help in any way?

Best regards,

[1] http://movementroles.wikimedia.org/wiki/Blog_topics
Jon Huggett
2010-12-01 07:08:24 UTC
Hi Bence

Thanks for reminding us. We have not picked the second blog topic, yet. My recommendation is that we pick the first on the list of upcoming topics on the wiki [1]. If that looks good to everyone, and nobody has any objections, we can make it the second topic, as soon as we have some responses to the first.

Talking of which, we do need some help in stimulating comments on the blog. Arne and I spoke yesterday, and agree to make this the main topic of our IRC chat this Friday. Any help would be much appreciated!

All the best

Jon Huggett
Skype jon.huggett
Did we make any progress on the next blog post to be published, since our last IRC meeting?
Should Jon/Arne/Austin just pick one from the ones already scheduled[1] on the wiki? Can we help in any way?
Best regards,
[1] http://movementroles.wikimedia.org/wiki/Blog_topics
Movementroles mailing list
Bence Damokos
2010-12-01 16:16:42 UTC
I might have missed it, but I think we haven't sent out the first blog posts
to the various lists or if we did mention it it was kind of buried under a
lot of other info.
Maybe the current post should be sent to foundation-l just by itself and see
if it gathers any feedback until Friday afternoon. I think this could be
done before the IRC chat as it is quite straightforward and easy (as opposed
to the other ideas we had about leaving a note on every single village pump
and similar).

Best regards.
